I’ll have to say that this last week was a little slow. It may have been slow because I was thinking about our weekend trip to Rwanda the week before and looking forward to our trip to Tanzania. This week we are heading just south of the Burundian border to a town called Kigoma, and nearby there is a park where we can hopefully see chimpanzees.
This is our papaya tree. Sadly there is only one little papaya growing on it.
I was hanging up my laundry this week and I noticed that our spiky plant along the wall was beginning to flower. Upon further investigation I discovered that it is actually a pineapple growing in the center! Our cook looked at me like I was crazy for taking pictures of the plants in the backyard, but I think it is exciting.
A number of other plants have surfaced recently in previously bare areas of the yard. There are beans, corn, tomatoes, and a few other things that I can’t identify. Something I really enjoy about Bujumbura is the use of space. In random little corners of neighborhoods, and even just on the side of the street, people have little plots of land where they are growing their crops.
At work not much has been happening. We finished a project for a choir, but other than that not a lot to do. It’s a little discouraging sometimes because I want to be accomplishing something, or progressing toward a goal. I know there is a lot that our little studio can accomplish, but it’s just not happening. I’m hoping that this upcoming vacation will be refreshing and that when I come back I will have new motivation and some creative ideas.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
slow week
Posted by Brandon Couch at 12:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Kigali trip
From Thursday to Sunday we were in Kigali, Rwanda.
The border crossing of Rwanda and Burundi
I didn’t take any pictures of the downtown portion of Kigali because the whole time I was thinking, “Wow, this place is really developed.”
You can’t tell from my photos but Kigali is pushing to become a major city. There are nice roads and sidewalks, stoplights and streetlights, and they are in the process of building two additional sky scrapers (all of these are in sharp contrast to Bujumbura).
It is also a very clean city. Plastic bags, like grocery bags, are outlawed and they even check for them at the border crossing, but I happened to smuggled two in.
Once we got a little outside the main downtown area things changed a little.
One of the things we did while in town was visit a coffee shop called Bourbon, but I would have sworn we were in Starbucks. It was a very surreal feeling especially because it was decorated for the Christmas holiday. It hasn’t really felt like Christmas yet, probably because there are not a lot of decorations around town (bjumbura) and commercialism hasn’t infused itself into the holiday yet. Also, it’s hot!
On our way back to Bujumbura we stopped at a genocide memorial. The memorial is located in a church, which has remained relatively untouched, where one of the massacres happened.
When you walk into the church you see piles and piles of clothes on benches and on the floor, holes from grenade blasts, and a blood stained alter. Our tour guide told us the horrific story of what happened. In summery, people fled to the church to seek refuge, the church property was surrounded by solders, the solders then proceeded to killed people in every way imaginable, and unimaginable, and over two days thousands of people lost their lives.

check out the story
Shockingly, our guide was one of the 10 survivors of this massacre, so this gave so much more weight to his words when he described the killings because he saw them with his own eyes.
Out back there was a crypt that we walked down into. Inside there are some coffins but there are mostly just bones on shelves. The skulls are in neat rows and other bones just in piles.
The whole time we were on the tour all I could think was: I can’t believe this happened…how could this happen…how could people do this?
It was kind of a depressing way to leave Rewanda but it was good that we saw the memorial and heard this man's story.
Posted by Brandon Couch at 1:05 AM 0 comments