This last week the Congo mountains started to peek out from behind the haze. The rainy season will begin soon clearing the air and improving the view.
You can bareley see the mountains just below the sun.
My house is at the bottom right just out of view.
I’m sorry that I don’t have very much to write about this week. I’ve just been continuing with my language lessons and working at the studio. We had a band come in on Thursday of last week to record a little piano, and they will be coming back on Wednesday of this week to do some vocals and guitars. Thursday was a bit stressful because the software we are using is new to me and I am still learning it. Charles, the other engineer, was out fixing something, so it was just me and the band. They wanted me to program some drums for them, a very simple task, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it on this software (I know how to do it on 4 different types of software but not this one), oh and did I mention that the entire program is in French. Hmm… but we worked our way through it and I’m looking forward to working with them again on Wednesday.

Here is a picture of our washing machine
The rinse cycle is on the left

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