On Monday and Tuesday of last week Robyn, Sophie and I accompanied our colleague Patrick upcountry to visit some of the projects of WOI. Along with the Radio station and the recording studio, WOI runs several health clinics, and has built some schools and shelters.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
WOI projects
Posted by Brandon Couch at 1:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 22, 2010
rwanda/ burundian waterfalls
Here are some pics:
I mentioned in my last post that I had taken a trip up to Rwanda the other weekend
Posted by Brandon Couch at 1:55 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I realized that it has been over a month since I last posted anything.
Posted by Brandon Couch at 3:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Birthday weekend in Goma
This last Sunday was my b-day and I was able to spend it in Goma, DRC! Robyn has two friends (Erika and Rachel) visiting from the states. They had plans of visiting Rwanda while they were here, and I was invited to tag along. The plans of visiting Rwanda transformed into plans of visiting DRC, and before we knew it we were in Goma.
Robyn has a friend from college who lives in the area and he met us there and showed us all over the city.
Because there were four of us I didn't take many pictures, but hopefully I will get some from the other cameras and post them soon.
This is Mt Nyiragongo which erupted in 2002 and covered 1/3 of the city of Goma with lava. It's still active and at night you can see a red glow on the surrounding clouds. These pictures are from an area just outside of the city where we went to see where the lava flowed.
This trip was amazing and it was a great way to spend my birthday.
Posted by Brandon Couch at 1:02 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Some pictures from last week:These are the guys that have been teaching me the traditional instruments. The instrument on the left is the umuduri, the center instrument is the inanga(I labeled it wrong in an earlier post) and the one on the right is the ikembe.
The inanga was traditionally played at night. The player would also sing along, but he whisper sings. It sounds amazing, and Im sad that the internet is a little too slow to upload the video of it. The songs are in an old style of kirundi, and they have a meaning that is difficult to figure out, even for native kirundi speakers.
These are the Burundian drummers.
One of the local universities was dedicating their new building and the president of Burundi came to dedicate it. We weren't allowed to take pictures of him, but I think that the drummers are more exciting anyway.
Posted by Brandon Couch at 1:48 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
These are pictures from the weekendThis is a place called Gatumba near the DRC border where we ate some chicken. It is literally a bunch of huts in a field. Its a little bizarre but kind of like a picnic.
We were on our way to Gatumba and this guy thought it would be funny to take a picture of us, so I took a picture of him too.
work/life update:
This week I have accepted the fact that I have absolutely no control of what happens at work. I should have accepted this a long time ago, but I guess now is as good a time as any. I’m not going to abandon the situation, I’m going to be present and offer any assistance that is asked of me, but what I am going to do/have done is mentally let go. I can’t feel down about the situation or feel responsible in any way because I have absolutely no control of what is happening (or lack of things happening). I discussed some things with a co-worker last week, and that conversation confirmed that there are some issues in our office. My problem is that I can’t tell the difference between what is cultural and what is personality. So, I looked at the patterns of the last 5 months and factored in the cultural/personality issues that I can’t understand (and have no right messing with) and realized my choices are: letting go or going crazy. I chose the former.
I hope this doesn’t sound like I’m giving up or avoiding the situation because I’m not. I’m here, ready to work and get things done when they need me, but in the meantime I’m going to try to network and work on some of my own projects. For example: I had a meeting with a friend this week and he wants me to help his group work on some songs. They are at another studio but it fits into my schedule and he will probably end up doing some of his own songs at our studio because I’m helping him out. Also, today the guys that have been giving me some music lessons are coming into the studio for a free recording session. If they like it hopefully they will return for some more recordings.
Posted by Brandon Couch at 2:16 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
upcountry again
I met some new friends last week. They are from Seattle (we have mutual friends) and they are now teaching at one of the universities here in Bujumbura.
We took a little weekend trip up country and stayed on an old missionary compound. We spent the weekend sharing good food and conversation, and playing some games.On the compound there was a hospital and a place where they packaged some sort of grain/corn/flower type mixture. This man is doing the roasting.
I mentioned in the last post that I acquired some musical instruments. Here are pictures of two of them.
Posted by Brandon Couch at 1:09 AM 0 comments