I admire the Amish and their quest for simple living, but it is hard for me to believe that in their quest to separate themselves from the world that they would shop at wal-mart of all places.
But they do...
While visiting here in PA we had the opportunity to go out and see the sites: town, the dairy farm, and the Amish. I saw their horse drawn buggies, bonnets, and neck beards. I don't know if they appreciated me taking pictures of them, I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but I couldn't help myself. These people really exist; I had stepped into another world and could not believe my eyes. I think what is the most shocking is not their appearance but that some shop at wal-mart? We also talked to someone who knew an Amish man that had a blackberry... what? I don't think that is allowed. These actions seem very inconsistent, but I can only wonder.
Also, I am off to Burundi today at 11:00am!
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