After a long flight last Sunday-Monday we made it to Bujumbura. It feels great to finally be here! No more waiting, or preparing, the time is here. I traveled with two other SALTers (Robyn and Yolanda) who will also be working in Bujumbura. It has been nice making this transition with them.

This week we went to the city center, visited the market, we met our host families, met language tutors, and visited the organizations that we will be working with. We also got the opportunity to swim in lake Tanganyika yesterday! It has been a very full week and there is a lot to process.
I had the opportunity on Thursday to spend a few hours at the radio station that I will be working for. They also have a recording studio that is almost fully functional, and I am excited to be part of the process. I think that I will spend most of my time with the studio because that is where my experience is, but WOI (the organization I am working for) has not discussed that with me yet.
Pros: fresh mangos, avocados, bananas, and pineapples!
I will do my best to keep you updated on all the new developments!
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